ATID-544: Ko Coco te reinga tino pai i te ao mo te toru rā i te haerenga atu o ōku mātua, ka whanau o rātau hiahia me te whakataetae mo tōku tinana.
Coco is the most pleasant hell in the world For three days when my parents were away on a trip, my childhood friend sisters bare their desires and compete for my body.
I hoki mai ahau ki te whare o ōku mātua mo te wā tuatahi i roto i nga tau. He wera, he ngākau wera te raumati i Tokyo. I tēnei taone, i te wāhi i tino nui ai te rerekētanga o te tirohanga, tērā tētahi tuahine tamariki e tatari ana kia hoki mai ahau.