MIAB-335: I taku uru atu ki te karapu poitū, he kura kōtiro katoa tae noa ki tērā tau ... Ko au anake te tangata! Ko ngā rā pūmahara i te wā i tangohia ai te tātea e tētahi pēhi BODY tata W, e karanga ana i te mātauranga ki ngā kāpene pōrearea e rua, he uaua te mahi me te kawenga i a Ichika Seta Azu Amazuki
When I joined the volleyball club, which was an all-girls school until last year ... I'm the only man! The days of memories when sperm was pulled out by a W close sweaty BODY press that called education to two frustrated captains with hard practice and responsibility Ichika Seta Azu Amazuki