GDTM-102: Ko te kaha o te ● Whakamuri e tohu ana i tētahi tangata whai whakaaro puku mōna (te tuakana tawhito ake, tamariki i roto i te kamupene, matua i te kāreti ...) - Ko te wahine e hae ana ki te whakauru, ā, ka whakakaha puku i te taha o te wahine e whakauru ana ki te wahine e whakauru ana ki te wahine e hanga ana i te pūtiro me ngā kākano o te wahine
Strong ● Reverse cuckolding A man who secretly had feelings for him (older brother, junior in the company, senior in college ...) - A woman who is jealous of the engagement and secretly strengthens next to the woman who is engaged ● A woman who makes vaginal shot and seeds