SPLY-024: Ko te perehitini wahine o tētahi kamupene whakanao whakangahau e mau ana i tētahi hūtu whai rawa, ā, e kakara ana i te pai o ngā whakanao, e tono ana kia pupuhi rā anō tōna take i te rā o te take hokohoko, ā, he heahea a Mariko Koto

The female president of an entertainment production company who wears a luxury suit and smells good of cosmetics is begging for a fierce until her reason is blown away during a shopping affair date and her Oma ● Ko is stupid Mariko Koto

Rā whakaputa: 08/08/2024
Wā whakahaere: 155 meneti
Kaiwhakaari: Mariko Koto
Studio: SOD Create