AP-290: "Kai te mahi te katoa, e tika? - Kāore e taea e te tauira kāreti wahine mātao te kōrero i tētahi mea ki tēnei kupu o tētahi haerenga pakihi i tētahi whare o te kōanga wera, ā, ka whakaae ki tētahi tokomaha mōrearea me te kore ātete! Ki te āta titiro koe, ka mārama tō kite i ngā poapoa hōhā i runga i te tarau, nā reira i mākū ahau, i tao!
"Everybody's doing it, right? - A timid naïve female college student can't say anything to this word of a business trip masseuse at a hot spring inn and accepts an obscene massage without resistance! If you look closely, you can clearly see unpleasant stains on the pants, so I got wet and speared!