NKKD-012: Na te whakatūpato i te whakatūpato i a au, i taea e au tētahi kōtiro he tauira manaaki, i haere ki tētahi o ngā kura takatū tōmua i roto i te whakaaro mō tōku ngākau ngoikore, engari i tērā rā i kitea ai ahau e te matua o DQN Takemaru i te wā o mua, ā, i korerotia mai ki a au kia tuku i taku kōtiro a tērā wā, nā reira kāore aku kōwhiringa engari kia mauria taku kōtiro nui ki te tautau o DQN, o Shuri Atomi
Disgusting feces caution I was able to have a girlfriend who was an honor student who attended one of the leading preparatory schools in the prefecture for my faint-hearted self, but the other day I was found out by the craziest DQN Takemaru senior in the prefecture, and I was told to lend my girlfriend next time, so I had no choice but to take my serious girlfriend to DQN's hangout Shuri Atomi