RTP-075: I ia rā ka puta tonu te hahau wera nā te wera kaha i ia rā! I waenganui i ēnei mea katoa, ka hanga wawe to mātau kura i tētahi ture kura e kiia nei ko "Super Cool Biz"! Ki te titiro huri noa koe, ka kite koe i te tinana ātaahua o te kōtiro! I tērā āhuatanga, kaore he tikanga e āhei ai ahau ki te whakaaro ki te karaehe, ā, i ia wā ka kite ahau i tētahi kōtiro, ko ahau ... 2
Heat stroke continues to occur due to the intense heat every day! In the midst of all this, our school urgently created a school rule called "Super Cool Biz"! If you look around, you can see the girl's disgustingly developed body! In such a situation, there is no way I can concentrate in class, and every time I see a girl, I ... 2