VRTM-215: - Ko te tikanga o tētahi kōtiro nui o tētahi kōtiro kura, he nui rawa te tipu o ōna tīkena, ka tūpono ki Mako, a, ka waiho he acme! - Ka kaha te kōkuhu a taku hungawai i a Ji Po ki roto i te tinana kua oti i te tairongotanga tino nui! - Huna mai i taku whaea, a, ka taka ki roto i nga kōrero a te rewera!
- Restrain a big ass girl of a school girl whose buttocks have grown too much, plunge a vibe into Mako and leave acme! - My father-in-law strongly inserts Ji Po into the body that has been finished with outstanding sensitivity! - Hide from my mother and fall into demon thrust piston convulsions!