FTKD-008: Ko au anake te tama i te ātaahua ātaahua i tāurutia e au! He kōtiro katoa nga kaiako me nga tauira, ā, he pūnoa te noho i roto i te kākahu, i te noho tahanga i roto i te whakangungu māia! Te āhua nei he tino mīharo taku poti yin i te po, i whiwhi ai ki te whakatūnga katoa i te wā o te mahi, ā, kei roto te katoa i te estrus! ?? - Mo te oranga o te kura moepuku!
I'm the only boy at the beauty salon I entered! The instructors and students are all girls, and it is normal to be in underwear and naked in practical training! My yin cat ○ po, which got a full erection during the practice, seems to be surprisingly big, and everyone is in estrus! ?? - For a ridiculous fornication school life!
Wā whakahaere: 300 meneti
I whakauru atu ahau ki tētahi kura ā-waha. He wahine katoa rātau, hāunga ahau! Ko te waituhi te tikanga i roto i te akoranga! - Ko te whakatūnga katoa i roto i tētahi tirohanga nanakia e puta mai ana ki te tirohanga! I te rā tuatahi o te whakaurunga, kua mutu te oranga kura me ngā moemiti ... Te āhua nei he rite tonu, engari i puta he whanaketanga ohorere! - Ko taku Ji e tākaro ana nga kōtiro o te karaehe me taku Ji ki a Ko! Ko te tīmatanga tēnei o te oranga o te kura rosy.