OYC-180: Tae noa ki te whakatipuranga whakakorenga o Bulma! E Tēnā./Ms. he taitama e haere ana ki te taone! He aha koe i kore ai e mau i nga pūruru? Te kaupane wheako o te 80 mō ngā kōtiro o nāianei! He aha koe i kore ai e kaha ki te mau i nga pūruru e tata ana ki te whakangaro ināianei? - He whakamā kē atu i taku whakaaro! Whakaaturia ō kaihe nui! Ahakoa i whakamā ahau, i ngaro i a au te atahono o te tāpiri utu, kātahi anō ...
Limited to the Bulma abolition generation! Mr./Ms. a young lady going to the city! Why don't you wear bloomers? 80's experience monitor for modern girls! Why don't you dare to wear bloomers that are on the verge of extinction now? - Blushing involuntarily in bloomers that are more embarrassing than I imagined! Show off your big ass! Although I was shy, I lost the charm of adding a reward, and finally ...