SDJS-257v: Ko te FY2024 O te kaimahi wahine SOD e noho tahanga ana i te pūrongo tirotiro hauora Privilege, e 18 ngā tāngata e haepapa ana ki te mahi erotic o Reiwa Baptism Shame 725 meneti Katoa SEX mā te tikanga tūturu o te whakatuwhera i te rua hē i mua, i muri hoki, me te pānui i te oati hei mema o te iwi me te whakangungu ahurei ki ngā kamupene AV

FY2024 SOD female employee naked induction ceremony Privilege health checkup report included 18 people who are responsible for the erotic industry of Reiwa Baptism Shame 725 minutes All SEX by the traditional ritual of opening the lewd hole before and after and announcing the oath as a member of society and training unique to AV companies

Ngā mihi ki ngā kaimahi hou katoa, E Tēnā./Ms.! Me tuku tahi tātou i te āhuatanga tino pai mai i tēnei wā! Kei roto i te putanga pūrongo tāpiri ko ngā taki hauora porohita e 18 me ngā taki mimi! I tua atu i ngā vaginas, i ngā chrysanthemums, i ngā ngongo, i te SEX, whakaaturia koa tō takitahi i roto i te tae o tō pee me te āhua e whiwhi ai koe, me te manawa me te whakamā o tētahi taitama kua mau i ōna hipanga tuatahi hei mema o te iwi e noho tahanga ana!