SDMM-127: Ki te tukua e koe tētahi tauira kāreti wahine tino mātauranga e haere ana ki tētahi o ngā whare wānanga o te taitama o Tokyo, e kī ana e 100 ngā kupu paruparu, ka hangaia e koe he poapoa i runga i tō tarau mā mā? ... Ko te hua, he nui rawa ngā mea e inoi ana koe ki tō ake kōkuhu mata ki roto i tētahi mākū kāore e hiahiatia ana kia purei!

The Magic Mirror If you let a highly educated female college student who attends one of Tokyo's leading young lady's universities say 100 dirty words, will you create a stain on your pure white pants? ... As a result, estrus so much that you ask for your own, raw insertion into a wet wet that does not require foreplay!

Rā whakaputa: 03/09/2023
Wā whakahaere: 145 meneti
Studio: SOD Create
I tēnei wā, ka whakatūria e au he kāreti wahine rongonui i tētahi wāhi i te rohe o Kanto, a, ka whakaaro ahau kia piki ake! I pātai atu mātau ki tētahi tauira kāreti wahine kāore anō kia mōhio ki te ao pakeke kia manatoko "He hononga anō i waenganui i ngā kupu me te tinana!?" Mā te kōrero noa iho i ngā kupu H pēnei i te "", "pōro", "ngā tangata", ērā atu mea, he poapoa kei runga i te tarau ... - Kāore e taea e taku tamāhine i te pakeketanga o H te tū ināianei ...