BAHP-102: Ko te whakararurarutanga o tētahi whakapakoko ākonga o te kāreti o Ubu mai i tētahi rohe tawhiti kātahi anō ka neke ki Tokyo me tētahi kapu G - "Ngā hokonga nui" ahakoa i whakatīwhetatia a ia e tētahi kaiwhakanao whakangahau, ka whakapā atu a ia ki a ia, a, ka hokona he urunga. Yoo Hayami

Confession of a Ubu female college student idol from a rural area who has just moved to Tokyo with a G cup - "Sick sales" Although she was sexually harassed by an entertainment producer, she contacted herself and sold pillows. Yoo Hayami

Rā whakaputa: 02/03/2022
Wā whakahaere: 129 meneti
Kaiwhakaari: Io Hayami
Studio: Baltan