RAF-015: Ko te āhua o te āhua o te āhua o te āhua o te ono tekau mā ono nga mea e hiahiatia ana e te wahine, e whakakī ana i tōna whakaaro ki te pāhi o mua o tana tāne me te hoa tamariki o tana tama, o Yuri Mieda
Sexual Resurrection Overflowing Lust of a Sixty-Something With A Strong Sexual Desire A Widow Who Fulfills Her Frustration With Her Husband's Former Boss And Her Son's Childhood Friend Yuri Mieda
E ono marama tērā mai i te matenga o taku tāne. Ko Yuri, e noho tahi ana me tana tama, he rua tōna ngākau me te āhua o te ngaromanga. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakakī i te rua o te mokemoke