FSDSS-486: Ko te kanohi i muri i te pāhi wahine ngākau atawhai he kuini ātaahua e kimi ana i tētahi tangata M me tētahi tangata paruparu e mau ana me tētahi kupu paruparu kāore e tū ahakoa ka whiwhi ki a Makoto Toda
The face behind the kind-hearted female boss is a beautiful queen who hunts down an M man with a vulgar that drools and a pursuit dirty word that does not stop even if it gets acme Makoto Toda
Ko te mata o muri o te pāhi wahine mārire he kuini nāna i kai te tangata. I te nuinga o te wā e mahi uaua ana ahau, ā, kaore tētahi tangata e whakaaro i tētahi mea tōkai