SCPX-461: Kai roto te tāne me te wahine i te āhua o te tāne me te wahine ahakoa he tāne i te taha tonu, ka kōkuhu puku i a Ji Po ki roto i te wahine marena hou whakakake, ko Cuckold e wero ana i te pūtiro ā-waha ki te SEX e kiia nei ko te rongoā

Both husband and wife are in the esthetic Even though there is a husband right next to it, secretly insert Ji Po into the proud bride Cuckold esthetics that injects vaginal shot with SEX called treatment

Mō ngā pakeke anake tēnei paetukutuku

E 18 tau te pakeke?

(te pakeke rānei o te nuinga ā-ture i roto i te mana whakahaere e uru ana koe ki tēnei paetukutuku)

Mā te pāwhiri i "I AGREE", kua pānui, kua mārama hoki koe ki te kōrero o runga ake nei.

Rā whakaputa: 11/17/2022
Wā whakahaere: 150 meneti
Kaiwhakaari: Riko Shinohara
Studio: K M Produce
He wheako ātaahua mo nga mārena tokorua. Ko te tāne e whakararuraru ana mo te mahinga o te wheako tuatahi, me te wahine e whiwhi ana i te manaakitanga i runga i te whakaaro mōhio i te taha tonu o taua wheako. Na, ko te ringa o te tāne e totoro atu ana ki tana wahine i te wāhi matapo o tana tāne! - Ko te pūrākau katoa o te whanaketanga ohorere, ohorere hoki, te whakaaro o te wahine, kāore e taea te kōrero, ngā huringa mai i "Stop ..." ki "Do ki te mutunga ...". - He cuckold tino tata i pā mai i roto i te pūtoro o te 1.5!