STARS-921: He kairau naïve, tairongo hoki, he ngāwari noa iho te rongo ki a M, e whakapaetia ana ia e te kiritaki, ā, kāore e taea te ātete i te āhua o te rongo pai, ā, ka noho hei Inari whakanao

A naïve and sensitive rookie prostitute who is easy to feel with M, she is blamed by the customer and can't resist the feeling of feeling good and becomes a production Inari

Mō ngā pakeke anake tēnei paetukutuku

E 18 tau te pakeke?

(te pakeke rānei o te nuinga ā-ture i roto i te mana whakahaere e uru ana koe ki tēnei paetukutuku)

Mā te pāwhiri i "I AGREE", kua pānui, kua mārama hoki koe ki te kōrero o runga ake nei.

Rā whakaputa: 10/26/2023
Wā whakahaere: 135 meneti
Kaiwhakaari: Inari
Studio: SOD Create
- E 4 nga kokonga o te kairau rookie me te menemene reka! - He ngāwari noa iho a ia ki te rongo i a M, ā, e pātai ana, e whakawāteatia ana e te whakapae tūpato a te kiritaki! - Ahakoa kua rāhuitia te whakanaotanga, kaore e taea e te tinana tairongo te ātete i te āhua o te whakamarie me te whakaae ki te whakanaotanga! Robot Deriheru, Ngā Esthetics o te Tangata, Imekura, Hauora Mat! Ko te tikanga kia pai te rongo o ngā kiritaki, engari e hē ana mā te whakawhiti i te weto me te ārai!