DASS-317: I tūtaki ahau ki te whaea o taku hoa, e mīharo ana ahau he ātaahua anō, i runga anō i tētahi taupānga ōrite. I pakaru te miro o te renarena, a, ka whakarerea e rāua ta rāua take, a, ka whāranu ki o rāua natere. He Komatsu
I met my friend's mother, who I admired for being beautiful, again on a matching app. The thread of tension was broken, and the two abandoned their reason and mixed with their instincts. An Komatsu
Wā whakahaere: 120 meneti
Ko Hinobu, he tama kura puhi. I te mahi a Shinobu i tētahi taupānga ōrite e whakatakune ana he tauira kāreti, a, i ōrite a ia ki tētahi wahine mārena pākaha. I tētahi rā, i a ia e ako ana i te whare o tōna hoa ko Kosuke, ka tūtaki a ia ki a Kyou, te whaea o Kosuke. I a au e whakaaro ana, "E hiahia ana ahau kia mahi tētahi tangata pēnei i tētahi taupānga," ka haere mai te rā ki te tūtaki i tētahi wahine mārena e ōrite ana. Ko te tangata i puta mai i reira...