SDNM-394: I te wā anake o te kura nēhi, ka hoki tana tamāhine ki tētahi wahine i te wā anake o te kura nēhi o Natsu Shibuya, e 32 tau te pakeke o te Ūpoko 2 e tono ana i ngā tāngata e haere ana ki tētahi i muri i tētahi atu tae noa ki te wā tiki o te kura nēhi o tana tamāhine ki tōna kāinga, ā, ka whakakore i te mahi tōnā kino
Bright chaki-chaki mom whose daughter returns to a woman only during nursery school Natsu Shibuya 32 years old Chapter 2 Inviting men who visit one after another until the pick-up time of her daughter's nursery school to her home and forbidden immoral sexual intercourse