JUE-007: Whakaaturia he medic wahine i haere ki te taua i te whai i tana whaiāipo. He pūrākau whawhai pouri, ā, ka haere tonu ki te whawhai i a Tarawell ki te tangata e aroha ana koe, te tukanga hiahia tōkai o te āpiha rangatira, te pō o te hungawai o te pāpā ● Ai Mukai
Showa A female medic who went out to the army in pursuit of her lover. A sad and ephemeral wartime story that was tossed around and continued to fight Farewell to the person you love, the sexual desire processing of the superior officer, the father-in-law's night ● Ai Mukai
Wā whakahaere: 120 meneti
I muri i tana whaiāipo, ka haere a Hai ki te taua hai nēhi. E toru rā ki mua, ko te hōhipera āpure i patua ai a Hai e te poho hau, a, he tokomaha nga hōia i mawhiti i o rātau oranga. Ko Tanaka, ko tana āpiha rangatira, e pupuri ana i te pū pū e 38, i whakamahia e ia hai whakangungu hai mahi kōrero. Ka whakakotahitia e ia he kai, a, ka whakawehi i a Hai hai whakarite i a ia mo te māngere. I tētahi rā, i patua a Tanaka e tana whakawhāiti i a Ia, a, mai i taua wā ka noho ko ia te whakamarietanga o Omirangi. I muri iho i tēnā, ka hoki a ia ki Tiapanī i raro i te parenga a nga hōia haumi. Heoi anō, ko te mea i tatari mai ki a au he rangirua pākaha, he pouri hoki ...