URE-111: 150.000 DL ao amin'ny andian-tantara! Original : Circle Shimapan Vehivavy iray izay nitondra namana ho an'ny vadiny izay tsy afaka mahazo fananganana raha tsy misy nono lehibe roa 2 Ny farany mivadika 3P harem doujin sequel dia tena velona-hetsika! - Bonus Bunny akanjo manokana ihany koa voarakitra! (Blu-ray Disc)
A total of 150,000 DL in the series! Original: Circle Shimapan A wife who brought a friend for her husband who can't get an erection without two big breasts 2 The ultimate reverse 3P harem doujin sequel is completely live-action! - Bonus bunny costume is also specially recorded! (Blu-ray Disc)