OYC-086: - A faran'izay malemy sy virjiny zandriny ao an-toerana manana mahafatifaty ankizivavy sekoly ho an'ny voalohany! Mazava ho azy fa nialona aho ary tsy afaka namela azy, ka dia nantsoiko hody izy mba hiarahaba azy sy izy eo anatrehan'ireo zandriko vavy! Nasain'ireo zandriko lahy nitazona fakantsary aho ary naka sary. Mazava ho azy fa hiditra ao anatiny hatrany aho eo anoloan'ireo zandriny ...
- A super weak and virgin local junior has a cute school girl girlfriend for the first time! Naturally, I was jealous and couldn't forgive him, so I called him home to say hello and him in front of his juniors! I had my juniors hold a camera and take pictures. Naturally, I will inside again and again in front of my juniors ...