VRTM-041: Bakshish Yamashita dokuments 1. sējums AV nozarē, kas vienmēr ir nepatikšanas, ir noticis vēl viens incidents. Lolicon AV režisors tika voyeurized, kad viņam bija sekss ar AV aktrisi, kura bija 23 gadus jaunāka par viņu neatkarīgi no šaušanas. Jauni fakti, kas atklāti, dzenoties pakaļ faktiskajam incidentam ...

Bakshish Yamashita Document Vol. 1 In the AV industry, which is always in trouble, another incident has occurred. A lolicon AV director was voyeurized when he had sex with an AV actress who was 23 years younger than him regardless of the shooting. New facts discovered in the process of chasing the actual incident ...

Izlaides datums: 01/09/2015
Runtime: 150 Min
Studija: V&R PRODUCE