UMD-529: Nejauši sastapies ar bijušo draugu?! - Viņa bija greizsirdīga par savu laimīgo izskatu un nedaudz izlika, lai vīrs to nepamanītu. Tad mana bijusī draudzene, kura slepeni ļāva man to darīt vienreiz kā gag. - Tas, ko es nogaršoju pirmo reizi pēc ilgāka laika, galu galā bija labākais! !!
Accidentally encountering an ex-boyfriend?! - She was jealous of her happy appearance and put out a little so that her husband would not notice. Then, my ex-girlfriend who secretly let me do it once as a gag. - The that I tasted for the first time in a long time was the best after all! !!