YUJ-020: Mans draugs mani krāpa. Es nevarēju viņam piedot. Tomēr, lai apstiprinātu viņa mīlestību pret "Es gribu, lai tu man piedod", es nepacietīgi padarīju viņu pēc nepacietības, neizejot no mājas un nepacietīgi viņu līdz brīdim, kad viņš kļūst traks. Tsubaki Sannomiya

My boyfriend cheated on me. I couldn't forgive him. Still, in order to confirm his love for "I want you to forgive me", I impatiently made him after impatience without stepping out of the house and impatient him to the point of going crazy. Tsubaki Sannomiya

Izlaides datums: 07/02/2024
Runtime: 200 Min
Studija: Attackers