JKSR-221: Vai jūs zināt informāciju par šo sievu, Mr./Ms.? 08 Tūlīt pēc junioru koledžas beigšanas Tamanoko IT prezidenta jaunā sieva un ķermeņa izpildsieva, kas uzbudinās ar briestošu pātagu, ir estrusā! Kāpēc es kļuvu par "kalpošanas konstitūciju, kas aprij visas malas un spermu"? Viss stāsts.

Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? 08 Immediately married after graduating from junior college, the young wife of the president of Tamanoko IT and the executive wife of the body that arouses with a plump whip are in estrus! Why did I become a 'service constitution that gobbles all the brim and sperm'? The whole story.

Izlaides datums: 02/25/2016
Runtime: 120 Min
Studija: Big Morkal