HUNTA-146: Es gulēju agri no rīta un iekāpu tikai sievietēm paredzētā automašīnā ar 120% noslogojumu! - Kad es mēģināju pārvietoties piespiedu kārtā, mani ieskauj skolas meitenes, un es saņēmu pilnīgu erekciju! Turklāt kāda nopietna goda studenta meitene uz mani skatās ar bargu aci, kas pret mani izturas kā pret netīru.
I slept early in the morning and boarded a women-only car with a 120% occupancy rate! - When I tried to move forcibly, I was surrounded by school girls and I got a full erection! Moreover, a serious honor student girl has been looking at me with a stern eye that treats me as a filthy.