AP-319: Grupas nejutīguma zāles Es piederēju grupai, kas zēnu skolā nebija forša, bet es dabūju darbu un pārcēlos uz Tokiju, bet es to nevarēju izdarīt, un es joprojām katru dienu biju nepopulāra. Ielūgums uz absolventu salidojumu, kas pie manis atnāca! Kad es devos uz norises vietu, gaidot atkalapvienošanos pēc ilga laika ...

Group numbness medicine I belonged to a group that was not cool at a boys' school, but I got a job and moved to Tokyo, but I couldn't do it, and I was still unpopular every day. An invitation to the alumni reunion that arrived at me! When I went to the venue looking forward to the reunion after a long time ...

DVD-ID: AP-319
Izlaides datums: 06/19/2016
Runtime: 180 Min
Studija: Apache