OYC-058: Aizver acis un iedomājies... Jūs esat saslēgts roku dzelžos un nevarat pakustēties. Rokudzelžu atslēga ir piestiprināta pie jūsu! Un viņas priekšā ir sieviete, kura ir savaldīga roka un kāja, bet izmisīgi cenšas ar muti paņemt rokudzelžu atslēgu.

Close your eyes and imagine... You are handcuffed and unable to move. The key to the handcuffs has been attached to your! And in front of her is a woman who is restrained hand and foot, but desperately tries to take the key to the handcuffs on her with her mouth.

Izlaides datums: 07/07/2016
Runtime: 210 Min