RTP-075: Karstuma dūriens turpina notikt intensīvā karstuma dēļ katru dienu! Tam visam pa vidu mūsu skola steidzami izveidoja skolas noteikumu ar nosaukumu "Super Cool Biz"! Ja paskatās apkārt, jūs varat redzēt meitenes pretīgi attīstīto ķermeni! Šādā situācijā es nekādā veidā nevaru koncentrēties klasē, un katru reizi, kad redzu meiteni, es ... 2

Heat stroke continues to occur due to the intense heat every day! In the midst of all this, our school urgently created a school rule called "Super Cool Biz"! If you look around, you can see the girl's disgustingly developed body! In such a situation, there is no way I can concentrate in class, and every time I see a girl, I ... 2

Izlaides datums: 07/08/2016
Runtime: 125 Min
Studija: .DOC