NNPJ-176: Kungs/kundze ar gariem matiem tur! Vai jūs varat man parādīt savus ausu caurumus? Tīriet ar vismodernāko mazo kameru un augstas veiktspējas ausu putekļsūcēju (mini rotoru), kas ar vibrāciju var noņemt pat smalkus netīrumus, un rūpīgi notīriet no vēdera pogas cauruma līdz padusēm un starp pirkstiem, izmantojot (afrodiziaka) eļļu ...

Mr./Ms. with long hair there! Can you show me your ear holes? Clean with a state-of-the-art small camera and a high-performance ear vacuum cleaner (mini rotor) that can remove even fine dirt with vibration, and thoroughly clean from the hole in the belly button to the armpits and between the toes using (aphrodisiac) oil ...

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Izlaides datums: 07/25/2016
Runtime: 200 Min
Studija: Nanpa JAPAN