SW-428: - Nepieradināta precēta sieviete, kura parādīja erotisku grāmatu kādam studentam vīrietim, kurš bija iegrimis studijās grāmatnīcā. "Es gribēju pudeles erekcijas jaunavu Ji Po, kas nebija stimulējoša," es piespiedu savu ķermeni un daudzas reizes ejakulēju šaurā veikalā, lai ierēdnis un citi klienti to neuzzinātu.
- An uncool married woman who showed an erotic book to a male student who was immersed in studying at a bookstore. "I wanted a bottle erection virgin Ji Po that was not stimulating," I pressed my body and ejaculated many times in a narrow store so that the clerk and other customers would not find out.