SW-437: Mana māsa Mr./Ms., kas kļūdaini iegāja pieaugušo video veikalā, un viņi abi šaurā veikalā ir pilnīgā erekcijas trakumā ar dauzošu skatienu. 3 Es to nevarēju izturēt, jo mans pre-ass trāpīja man, tāpēc es to ievietoju uz vietas, lai ierēdnis un citi klienti to neuzzinātu.

My sister Mr./Ms. who mistakenly entered an adult video shop and the two of them in a narrow store are in full erection madness with a pounding gaze. 3 I couldn't stand it because my pre-ass hit my, so I inserted it on the spot so that the clerk and other customers wouldn't find out.

DVD-ID: SW-437
Izlaides datums: 09/22/2016
Runtime: 119 Min
Studija: SWITCH