MEI-007: Burvju spoguļa otrā pusē ir uzticama trenera kunga / kundzes sieva ... Skaists sportists, kurš pieder trases un laukuma klubam, un nopietns treneris izaicina nerātnu spēli slepeni tikai ar diviem cilvēkiem! Apmācītais ķermenis ir pārāk jutīgs, un treneris arī atzīmē! ?? Cik tālu jūs esat gatavi iet pēc naudas?

On the other side of the magic mirror is the wife of a trusted coach Mr./Ms. ... A beautiful athlete who belongs to the track and field club and a serious coach challenge a naughty game secretly with only two people! The trained body is too sensitive and the coach's is also ticking! ?? How far are you willing to go for money?

Izlaides datums: 11/11/2016
Runtime: 175 Min
Studija: .DOC