VOSS-025: Es uzturējos sava tēvoča un viņa sievas, kas ir mana tēva jaunākie brāļi, mājā, un es jutos šaurs, bet, kad mana tante, kura bija neapmierināta mana aizņemtā onkuļa dēļ, uzzināja, ka esmu AV maniaks, viņa ienāca istabā un teica: "Parādiet man neveiklību" un noskatījās AV! 3 Kana Morisava
I was staying at the house of my uncle and his wife, who are my father's younger brothers, and I was feeling narrow, but when my aunt, who was frustrated because of my busy uncle, found out that I was an AV maniac, she came to the room and said, "Show me lewdness" and watched AV! 3 Kana Morisawa