OYC-080: Ienirstiet un padariet to par AV bez atļaujas! Super skaists draugs atveda Kawaiko-chan, kurš jau bija holo-dzēruma stāvoklī! Viens no viņiem ir super negribīgs, bet otram ir draugs un tiek sargāts! Protams, super slavenā karaļa spēle tiek noraidīta! Pat šāda apsargāta sieviete ir ļoti intensīva, bet, ja tā ir nepilngadīga [arvien vairāk spēles] ... 3

Take the plunge and make it AV without permission! A super handsome friend brought Kawaiko-chan who was already in a state of holo-drunkenness! One of them is super reluctant, but the other has a boyfriend and is guarded! Naturally, the super famous king game is rejected! Even such a guarded woman is super intense, but if it's a minor [more and more game] ... 3

Izlaides datums: 12/19/2016
Runtime: 245 Min