NKKD-028: Pretīgi izkārnījumi piesardzība Pāris nopirka lietotu condominium ar 35 gadu aizdevumu, bet es nevarēju izturēt trokšņa problēmu super DQN ar nosaukumu Takemaru Senpai, kurš dzīvo augšējā stāvā, un, kad es devos protestēt pie hangout ar mums abiem, es biju apgriezts un mana sieva bija.

Disgusting feces caution A couple bought a second-hand condominium with a 35-year loan, but I couldn't stand the noise problem of a super DQN called Takemaru Senpai who lives on the upper floor, and when I went to protest at the hangout with the two of us, I was reversed and my wife was.

Izlaides datums: 04/25/2017
Runtime: 120 Min
Studija: JET Eizo