HUNTA-326: Laukos esmu dzīvojusi dzīvi, kurai nav nekāda sakara ar sievietēm, bet, kad pārcēlos uz kopīgu māju pilsētā, tur bija daudz šķēpu gals, un es biju vienīgais vīrietis! Es pārcēlos uz koplietošanas māju ar zemu īres maksu, lai apmeklētu sagatavošanas skolu pilsētā, bet tā bija pilna ar seksīgiem galiem, kurus es nekad nebiju redzējis laukos.
I've lived a life in the countryside that has nothing to do with women, but when I moved into a share house in the city, there were many spear gals and I was the only man! I moved to a share house with a low rent to attend a prep school in the city, but it was full of sexy gals that I had never seen in the countryside.