HUNTA-347: - "Tā ir bīstama diena, bet, ja tev ir drosme to izdarīt, tu to vari izdarīt!" - Viņas tēvs atkārtoti apprecējās un devās uz sagatavošanas skolu, un viņai bija jauka, bet nedaudz nekaunīga un velnišķīgi gudra vīramāte! Bet pretēji viņa gudrajam un glītajam izskatam viņš ir tik ļoti pieķēries ...
- "It's a dangerous day, but if you have the courage to do it raw, you can do it!" - Her father remarried and went to a preparatory school, and she had a cute but somewhat cheeky and devilish smart sister-in-law! But contrary to his smart and neat appearance, he is so super attached ...