BBAN-490: - Lesbiešu licences treniņnometne, kurā atkalapvienotie klasesbiedri bija spiesti uzspiest savas mīlestības jūtas kā studenti ar daudz nepabeigtu biznesu, un viņi tika vainoti par savām jutīgajām lielajām krūtīm, un viņi turpināja būt tādi, ka viņi uzspridzināja savu saprātu.

- A lesbian license training camp where the reunited classmates were forced to impose their love feelings as students with a lot of unfinished business, and they were blamed for their sensitive big breasts, and they continued to be so that they blew away their reason.

Izlaides datums: 06/11/2024
Runtime: 120 Min
Studija: bibian