UMSO-162: - Ja jūs piezvanīsiet Deriheru, jūs atkal apvienosieties ar klasesbiedriem! - Madonna, bijusī klase ar attiecībām, kurām nav paredzēts parādīt savu kailumu, iekrita prostitūtā ... Es teicu "es nevienam neteikšu" un darīju to, lai gan iestudējums bija aizliegts! !!

- If you call Deriheru, you will be reunited with your classmates! - Madonna, a former class with a relationship that is not supposed to show her nakedness, fell into a prostitute ... I said "I won't tell anyone" and did it even though the production was prohibited! !!

Izlaides datums: 10/13/2017
Runtime: 240 Min
Studija: K M Produce