WA-393: Sieva, kura nezina vīra NTR vēlmi Viltus pāru fotosesija kailfotostudijā precētiem pāriem. Skaista sieva, kura āra šaušanā atklāja savu kailo ādu un bija ciešā kontaktā ar vīriešu modeli, pēc ārkārtīga uztraukuma zaudēja saprātu un aizmirsa, ka viņa ir sieva un nodarbojas ar neuzticīgu seksu!

A wife who does not know her husband's NTR desire A fake couple photo session at a nude photo studio for married couples. A beautiful wife who exposed her bare skin in outdoor shooting and was in close contact with a men's model lost her reason after extreme excitement and forgot that she was a wife and had unfaithful sex!

DVD-ID: WA-393
Izlaides datums: 01/15/2019
Runtime: 120 Min
Studija: Lotus