GDHH-138: Mans sapnis ir kļuvis par realitāti! - Rosīga vīramāte, kura ir pārāk laipna! - Sakarā ar mana tēva atkārtotu laulību, manai vīramātei, kura pēkšņi piedzima, ir super lielas krūtis un viņa ir super skaista! Un super maigi! Es esmu pārāk skaista, lai to pieņemtu kā māti ...! - Bet mana slepenā tieksme! Mātes un dēla incestu AV atrada mana vīramāte ...
My dream has become a reality! - A busty mother-in-law who is too kind! - Due to my father's remarriage, my mother-in-law, who was suddenly born, has super big breasts and is super beautiful! And super gentle! I'm too beautiful to accept as a mother ...! - But my secret propensity! The incest AV of mother and son was found by my mother-in-law ...