HUNTA-602: "Kāpēc jūs mēģināt to ievietot? Es to ievietošu!" - Kad es biju starpbrīžos ar savu labsirdīgo vīramāti, tā kļuva slapja un slidena! Galu galā, neapstrādāta ievietošana! Neapstrādāta! Mans tēvs apprecējās atkārtoti, un mana vīramāte, kura man pēkšņi piedzima, ir jauna un skaista un domā par mani kā par īstu dēlu. Bet es gāju uz skolu...

"Why are you trying to insert it? I'm going to insert it!" - When I was intercrural with my kind-hearted mother-in-law, it got wet there and it was slimy! After all, raw insertion! Raw! My father remarried, and my mother-in-law, who was suddenly born to me, is young and beautiful, and thinks of me as a real son. But I went to school...

Izlaides datums: 05/19/2019
Runtime: 240 Min
Studija: Hunter