DVDMS-474: Burvju spoguļa īpašais izdevums! NTRMM numuru pāra ierobežotais nozvejas plāns! - Precēta sieviete, kura nezina, ka viņas vīrs viņu uzrauga reversā Magic Mirror, nodarbojas ar seksu, kad viņa kļūst par diviem cilvēkiem slēgtā telpā ar savu bijušo draugu, kurš pirmo reizi vairāku gadu laikā ir atkalapvienojies!
The Magic Mirror Special Edition! NTRMM No. Married Couple Limited Catch Plan! A Married Woman Who Does Not Know That Her Husband Is Watching Over The Reverse Magic Mirror Will Have Sex With Her Ex-boyfriend Who Reunited For The First Time In Several Years And When It Becomes Two People In A Closed Room! ?