GS-399: Pirmo reizi piedalījies "Lolita valkā erotisko fotosesiju mikro bikini"! - Kad es fotografēju ar aplietu un sirdi plosošu haahaa, viņa, šķiet, bija pirmā reize uz fotosesiju, un mans uztraukums bija lipīgs, un es biju satraukts un kautrīgs. Acīmredzot skatiens ir kļuvis erotisks ...

Participated in the "Lolita Wearing Erotic Photo Session in Micro Bikini" for the first time! - When I was shooting with a sloppy and heart-pounding haahaa, she seemed to be the first time for a photo session, and my excitement was contagious and I was excited and shy. Obviously, the gaze has become erotic ...

DVD-ID: GS-399
Izlaides datums: 08/12/2021
Runtime: 120 Min