GIGL-708: Kad es devos apmeklēt sava drauga māju, mans draugs kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ izgāja ārā, un es un mana drauga māte mājās bijām vieni ... Patiesībā, neatkarīgi no tā, vai viņa zina, ka man jau sen patīk mana tante, viņa mani pavedina, sakot: "Vai vēlaties nodarboties ar seksu ar savu tanti?" Esmu pārsniegusi savas pacietības robežu, tante
When I went to my friend's house, my friend went out for some reason, and I and my friend's mother were alone at home ... In fact, whether or not she knows that I have liked my aunt for a long time, she seduces me by saying, "Do you want to have sex with your aunt?" I've exceeded the limit of my patience, aunt