YSN-529: - Man bija apnicis mana jaukā meita, kura bija labi izveidota tēva un dēla ģimenē, un velns mēģināja viņu nospiest. - Mana meita atgriežas pie manis: "Ja tas ir mans tēvs ...", gluži pretēji, tas kļūst par M vīrieti, un es esmu tikai toksisks vecāks, kuru nogremdē meita, kas mani vainoja
- I was tired of my cute daughter who was well made in a father-son family, and the devil tried to push her down. - My daughter returns to me, "If it's my father ...", on the contrary, it becomes an M man, and I'm only a toxic parent who is watered down by the daughter who blamed me