GS-335: - Minkykite mano sesers jautrius spenelius ir deformuokite spenelius! - Jei minkysite jautrius sesers spenelius, kurie maudosi su skaidriais speneliais, būsite mieguisti ir nežinosite, kad esate jūsų brolis, o krevečių metmenų spenelius turėsite erotiniu režimu! Tik tada, kai jį įterpiau, supratau, kad kita šalis yra mano brolis, ir pagalvojau: "Tai blogai ..."

- Knead my sister's sensitive nipples and warp the nipples! - If you knead the sensitive nipples of your sister who is taking a nap with transparent nipples, you will be sleepy and you will not know that you are your brother, and you will have shrimp warp nipples in erotic mode! It wasn't until I inserted it that I realized that the other party was my brother, and I thought, "It's bad ..."

DVD-ID: GS-335
Išleidimo data: 05/21/2020
Runtime: 125 Min