DOCD-038: "Ar tikrai norite atsisakyti prenumeratos?" yra lengva prisijungti, bet jei norite mesti rūkyti, negalite lengvai išeiti iš prenumeratos atšaukimo procedūros! Tai, kas manęs laukė pasitraukimo labirinto pabaigoje, buvo darbuotoja moteris, kuri ta ranka trukdė man pasitraukti!

"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?" is easy to join, but if you want to quit, you can't easily quit the subscription withdrawal procedure! What was waiting for me at the end of the withdrawal maze was a female employee who interfered with my withdrawal with that hand!

Išleidimo data: 12/06/2024
Runtime: 185 Min
Dirbtuvė: .DOC